How to use breathing to create a happier existence

Don’t forget to breathe if you want a happy life. It is the key to an authentically fulfilling existence.

Breathing is something we take for granted because we can always depend on it until we can’t due to unfortunate incidents.

Even though I learned diaphragmatic or belly breathing in my classical vocal training in high school, for many years after that I didn’t breathe deeply.

I would take shallow breaths and often catch myself holding my breath. My life was an absolute reflection of my lack of breathing too.

Money was always tight, I was uptight and irritable, I always did work that I hated but had to do, and mostly I was angry and confused.

I felt like a prisoner. I wasn’t in the flow of life. Then I took a breathwork class in 2009 and was reminded of my breathing skills that I tucked away and forgot.

I remember taking a real deep breath in that class and realizing that all this time I wasn’t breathing, and I broke down in tears. I had deprived my beautiful body of vital life force energy.

From then on, I made it my priority to breathe deeply on purpose with focused intention all throughout my day.

It wasn’t easy at first because I had to retrain my subconscious mind and body to accept this new behavior.

Now I breathe deeply countless times in an hour, and it has changed my life so much that I wrote a song called “Don’t Forget To Breathe.”

The chorus goes “Don’t forget to breathe. Don’t forget to breathe. Breathing in your life. Breathing out you’re free. No matter what it looks like, just don’t forget to breathe.”

Simple, yet profound, and a great reminder. In fact, I’m going to get some T-shirts made with “Don’t Forget to Breathe” printed on them. I’ll be a walking billboard to trigger the natural breathing mechanism that reacts to subliminal and direct suggestions.

Side note: Have you ever watched a TV show or overheard someone say “Take a deep breath” and then you take a deep breath even though they aren’t talking to you? Well, that’s the body’s natural response to a subliminal (indirect) and direct suggestion.

Using the breath intentionally for specific things can clear the mind, calm the nervous system, and help us make better life choices that create more enjoyable experiences.

I use breathwork in every single hypnotherapy session I do with clients because it automatically puts them in a space of peace and calm, slows down the heart rate, and brings mental clarity.

There are Various forms of breathing, such as:

  1. Eupnea: This is your regular, effortless breathing that occurs naturally.
  2. Hyperpnea: It involves intense, deep breathing, often experienced before, during, or after exercise or in situations where the body lacks sufficient oxygen. For instance, taking a deep breath before lifting heavy weights or when in high-altitude regions with thin air.
  3. Diaphragmatic Breathing: This type of breathing entails consciously using your diaphragm to take deeper breaths.
  4. Costal Breathing: It’s shallow breathing that engages your intercostal muscles — muscles situated between and around your ribs.
  5. Pursed Lip Breathing: This breathing exercise aids in slowing down your breath, allowing you to inhale and exhale more air. It involves a slow inhalation through your nose and gentle exhalation through pursed lips. Pursed lip breathing facilitates physical activities and helps reduce stress.

Breathing is a magical tool that can not only be used to alleviate headaches, pains, and stress but also manifest amazing things.

Diaphragmatic and Pursed Lip breathing are my go-to’s for my personal work and the work I do with my clients.

These breathing techniques done with intention, manifested my dream career, a convertible, and an emergency lump sum of money very quickly.

Most importantly, I manifested a clear mind, unshakable confidence, a healthy body, and a loving relationship with myself.

In his book The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles mentions the “stuff” or substance that births ideas into 3D reality is all around us in the very air we breathe.

I use this to my benefit by placing my intention into that “Stuff” and then breathing it into me and then back out again.

It sounds woo woo I know, but it’s made significant shifts in my life and the life of many of my clients.

Here’s one of my favorite breathing exercises that immediately recalibrates my nervous system, interrupts ruminating worrisome thoughts, and helps me regain focus.

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. For 4 count, breathe slowly and deeply through the nose, into the region of the body where you feel the most tension.
  3. Hold your breath in that space for 5 counts.
  4. Exhale slowly while counting backward from 5 to 0.
  5. Repeat this 5 to 6 times.
  6. When you finish the last round of breathing say this out loud:
    “My mind is clear.
    My heart is open.
    My body is light.
    And I am free.”
  7. You can repeat the above chant as many times as you need until you reach the state of calm you are seeking.
  8. To finish, ball up your right fist tightly and then count out loud, “1, 2, 3,4, 5 eyes open wide awake!!” This will help you bring yourself back to a fully alert state so you can continue to go about your day.

Give this a try, and please let me know how it works for you. If you’d like to learn more ways to improve your well-being holistically, I invite you to join my email list,
