The Void is Deep and Oh So Sweet: Exploring the Magick of The Dark Night of the Soul

Let’s talk about the "dark night of the soul" which involves a profoundly reflective period during a spiritual awakening. It's the unavoidable transformative phase that we experience when we’ve been doing deep inner work and what we've built or believed starts unraveling, be it in our external environment or within. It's often equated with feelings of depression and emptiness. Having navigated numerous dark nights of the soul, I've learned to appreciate and feel gratitude for these experiences, which by the way, does not make it an easier experience, but does shorten the amount of time I’m in despair. Each “dark night of the soul” consistently marked the threshold of a new, transformative chapter.

The Tug of War: Core Desires versus Expectations
Our inner turmoil emerges from a fundamental conflict: our deepest desires versus societal expectations. When asked about our dreams, we often echo societal norms rather than delving into our truest core desires. We tirelessly build the world of expectations, neglecting the root core desire that our subconscious knows so well because we cannot deceive the subconscious. 

It is connected to the heart intelligence which knows our True North, the way back home to ourselves. The more personal development work you do, the more the illusions are revealed and removed from your inner and outer world. The universe, synonymous with the subconscious mind, responds directly to our energetic signals from the heart, transcending distractions, and expectations. This creates an inner battle between our core desires and external expectations.

Lessons from My Personal Experience
In my journey as a social media influencer and business owner, I followed the conventional route of social media engagement as my primary marketing tool. While it grew my business exponentially and brought financial success, it left me feeling unfulfilled and drained. For one, I am an introvert and extremely private. Plus, the amount of access we have to each other in this day and age has always been unsettling to me. 

While I am very good at engaging an audience, creating meaningful content, and growing a following, something always felt off. I was constantly asking myself, “Is this what I’m going to have to do forever?” “There’s got to be another way.” Then, the universe responded to my energetic signal from my heart that was seeking freedom, prompting a significant change that led me into a dark night of the soul. It wasn't punitive but instructive, urging me to align with my core desires. Now, mind you, a year prior to this event, I started doing intensive inner work around building independent wealth from billion-dollar streams of income. 

My previous goal was to generate a few million from my business. What was revealed to me was that creating that few million on the path I was on required more hustle than the billion-dollar intention. Why? Because I associated “freedom” with independent wealth that felt like billions versus the hustle and grind energy that I associated with making a few million. Since one of the Prime Directives of the Subconscious Mind is that it chooses the path of least resistance, as does the Universe, my timeline changed and so did the trajectory of the way I created my abundance. It was the inner work that ignited this new path that required me to enter the void so that I could be rebirthed.

The Void: A Catalyst for Renewal
Amidst the chaos, I found myself in the void—a place of emptiness that my mind associated with sorrow because I was grieving the loss of my old life. Once I accepted the loss, I was able to invite the nothingness in. When you can get comfortable in the emptiness and become the void and befriend the darkness something magical takes place. A spark of creativity and light, the beginning of a new life is revealed, and your timeline shifts significantly. In this emptiness, I discovered the pathway to a new, more abundant, and authentic way forward. This void, often misunderstood, became a womb for rebirth and a newfound appreciation. To learn more about the Spiritual void, I highly recommend this article by Maria Erving,

Embracing Your Transformation
The dark night of the soul is not a path that everyone will traverse. It is reserved for those of us who value our self-mastery over instant gratification. This does not mean you will not experience Earthly pleasures, comfort, peace, and wealth. Conversely, it means by doing this work and embracing this path, you open the doorway to treasures beyond your comprehension. For those wrestling with an internal conflict, fearing a divergence from their true aspirations, taking small steps toward those dreams is key. Similarly, for those presently within a dark night of the soul, embracing this phase instead of resisting it and asking when it will end, might hold the key to transformative revelations.

The dark night of the soul isn't the end; rather, it's a passageway to renewal. It invites us to venture into the unknown, release our fears and old ways of thinking, surrender to the void, and uncover the wonders waiting to be discovered within. 

Embracing the Journey
Embracing the dark night of the soul becomes a turning point for self-discovery and transformation. It invites us to accept the void, delve into our innermost desires, and emerge stronger and more aligned with our true selves. It's a journey of surrendering to the unknown and discovering the magic within the void.

If you are currently going through a transitional phase, recovering from loss, or are ready to find your True North, I recommend checking out my book, The B.E.M.A.G.I.C. Manifestation Workbook, and joining my Mystical Money Mastermind. If you enjoyed this article and would like more, be sure to get on my email list.


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